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An Adobe Acrobat file 01 New KXZW Nov 2014.pdf 11.17 MB 2015-04-09 13:21:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 02 New FDC224 & 280KXZPE1 Nov 2014.pdf 3.14 MB 2015-04-09 13:23:04
An Adobe Acrobat file A2W HM serija.pdf 765.97 KB 2013-12-16 14:03:10
An Adobe Acrobat file A2W Q-ton.pdf 481.2 KB 2013-12-16 14:03:38
An Adobe Acrobat file KX (VRV) serija.pdf 1.93 MB 2013-12-16 13:35:47
An Adobe Acrobat file KXZ (Novi VRV) ENG.pdf 17.62 MB 2014-12-03 09:17:06
An Adobe Acrobat file MHI VP cjenik 2015 RAC.pdf 1.05 MB 2015-03-31 14:44:21
An Adobe Acrobat file MHI katalog 2014 - HR_web.pdf 7.61 MB 2013-12-05 12:51:07
An Adobe Acrobat file PAC serija.pdf 2.29 MB 2013-12-16 14:29:55
A compressed ZIP file Qton.zip 22.84 MB 2015-03-19 11:44:30
An Adobe Acrobat file RAC (kucna) serija - multi-split sustavi.pdf 1.06 MB 2013-12-16 13:40:29
An Adobe Acrobat file RAC (kucna) serija - split sustavi.pdf 1.5 MB 2013-12-16 13:43:33
An Adobe Acrobat file RAC 2015_Eng.pdf 5.22 MB 2015-03-30 11:23:42
An Adobe Acrobat file Upute za uporabu RAC 2015.pdf 31.17 MB 2015-09-18 09:22:07

Nova poboljšana profesionalna VRV serija klima uređaja sa kapacitetom do 168,0 kW 


Nova KXZ serija ima mogućnost povezivanja tri vanjske jedinice te je moguće dobiti maksimalni kapacitet od 168,0 kW.

Također je predstavljena i Hi-COP KXZXE1 serija vanjskih jedinica VRVa!

Pretkodni model (KX6) – do kapaciteta od 48HP

Nova serija KXZE1 – do kapaciteta od 60HP

Nova serija HI COP - KXZXE1 (Hi-COP) – od 8 do 36HP



Na KXZE1 standardne jedinice je moguće povezati do 200% kapciteta unutarnjih jedinica (za jedinice od 28,0 do 96,0 kW - na zathjev kod narudžbe).


Poboljšana učkinkovitost

Graf ispod prikazuje poboljašanu učinkovitost KXZE1 i Hi-COP serije klima uređaja u odnosu na prethodnu KX6 seriju.

Usporedba EERa u režimu Hlađenja

Usporedba COPa režimu Grijanja

Fleksibilna instalacija

Maksimalna visinska razlika je povećana na 70m.

Maksimalna dužina cijevovoda između vanjske i unutarnje jedinice je 160m.


Peak Cut kontrola

The peak cut function can easily be set on the RC-EX1A control panel. This controls the capacity and provides improved energy savings in the long run. Five-steps of capacity control are available with 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 0% settings.

Improved Scroll Compressor

The KXZ has new multiport compressor which includes two additional discharge ports. This optimizes the pressure control within the compressor. The combination of the new multi discharge compressor and the new concentrated winding motor increases the energy efficiency of the compressor in partial load conditions.






This new compressor has proven to be extremely reliable and uses the latest compressor technology.


Priority Operation Mode Rule (KXZ)

The new KXZ has four operation modes:

1. First Unit Operation Mode

- the first unit to operate will set the operation mode

2. Last Unit operation Mode

- the last unit to operate will set the operation mode


3. Majority operation Mode

- the mode selected by the majority of units in operation (whichever greater capacity between the sums of cooling mode and heating mode). The other units in the other mode will go automatically in fan mode.

4. Master Operation Mode

- this is the mode selected by the master unit in operation. The other units in the other mode will go automatically in fan mode.


New Emergency STOP function





The new KXZ has control for emergency stop by external input, i.e. an alarm unit can be connected to the PCB (Printed Circuit Board).

Can be used for leak detection system according to BREEAM.

Improved Heat-exchanger


Strengthened resistance against frost


Outdoor heat exchanger has increased efficiency by improving refrigerant distribution.

The heat exchangers are now 3 rows deep and have more capacity (for 18HP and 20 HP).

Newly designed outdoor unit heat exchanger has a greater surface area and increased volume which equates to greater nominal and seasonal efficiency.

The capillary tubes improve distribution of the refrigerant in the heat exchanger whilst at the same time increasing frost resistance.

Easy Selection Tool – E-Solution

E-Solution is a design software tool which includes specification details of the latest KXZ VRF systems. By using E-Solution this simplifies the process and enables engineers to select the most cost-effective and energy efficient mix of indoor units, outdoor units, pipework and controls. Engineers must register and download the E-solution software to ensure they are automatically sent updates as they become available and this can be done by simply visiting www.mhiae.com/support-downloads/e-solution

Furthermore it is also developed to cater for the design of two and three pipe systems and specifies appropriate models and sizes. It also generates wiring diagrams and engineering drawings which can be exported to AutoCAD or saved in PDF format. This flexibility enables engineers to print select design information and comprehensive operation and maintenance manuals for presentations to clients. Engineers can also incorporate design information into their own formats and documents for personalised proposals.





Network Overview


Simplicity in installation with the highly sophisticated Superlink-II control system.


Read more



Line Up


Connecting up to 80 indoor units depending on model and offering up to 92 models.


Read more





MHI offers a wide range of control options for the KXZ system to suit any application.





Generalni smo zastupnik Mitsubishi Heavy Industries klima uređaja za tržišta Hrvatske, Bosne i Hecegovine, Crne Gore i Srbije.

Aquasole - zastupanje i prodaja vrhunskih klima uređaja Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

Sjedište u Splitu

Telefon: +385 21 374 920

Fax: +385 21 374 990

Šegedinova 1.

21 000 Split

Ivica Kurobasa + 385 91 3201 052

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Matko Lazić + 385 91 3201 058

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Antonio Jolić + 385 91 3201 055

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Tomislav Špoljarić + 385 91 3201 057

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Gdje se nalazimo? 

Aqua-sole d.o.o.       tel. 021/374-920     fax 021/374-990

Šegedinova 1.

21000 Split


Centralizirani PC-based controller

Kontrola i praćenje do 128 unutarnjih jedinica



LonWorks BMS gateway


Kontrola i praćenje do 128 unutarnjih jedinica


BACnet gateway


Kontrola i praćenje do 128 unutarnjih jedinica


INTESIS BMS InterfaceBMS sučelje

Kontrola i praćenje do 128 unutarnjih jedinica
